Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Hard road ahead

Well today was another serious test to my endurance and commitment in terms of my running experience. I was out on the road,  early as per the routine, but this time, unlike any of the past few runs I have had, I experienced something like an asthma attack while on the road. I was about 1/3 into the 60 seconds run, 90 seconds walk cycle when I found I was having a really hard time catching my breath. I was thinking, this is it, this is what's going to make me end this brief but illustrious career as a road warrior. It won't be the early morning wake up call or the bleeding blister on my right heel that has been plaguing me since day one; it won't be the creepy guy in the black hoodie who I noticed TWICE in 20 minutes walking the same stretch of road on one of my runs last week or the brutal pounding my joints have been will be me, collapsed on the side of the road wheezing and sputtering like some old lady. Instead of giving up, which I am prone to do, I just slowed down my pace, changed my expectations and ran in shorted legs more frequently. Clearly I will need more time to build up my cardio and will adjust my expectations to match what my reality is when it comes to jogging.

Oh, and as far as the early wake up call ...I love it,
The weirdo in the hoodie, I changed my route
The bleeding blisters,  I will OVERCOME...nothing a few Bandaids can't help.
The pounding on the old joints...well we'll just have to play that one by ear.

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