Well after my weekend of debauchery I amazed myself with a fantastic 6k run, then I ran the next day too a full4.2 km...I was on a roooollllll. Then the next day happened and all hell broke loose. First, the muscles in my legs did some serious protesting..they even went on a strike. As a result I have been limping around for 2 days, creeping in an out of the car, gingerly edging up staircases and generally moving like a old school hockey player who's out of Bengay.....then the stomach flu hit last night and along with it a fever of 38.2c. Not deathly but enough to scare me off anything physical for the next few days. My body deserves a break and has sent me a message. Luckily I have the stomach flu because with 0 activity brings a much stricter diet.
I'll be back at it by Friday though, rest up, heal up and hopefully return with little or no regression.
It's miserably rainy out there anyways. Hope you feel better soon.