Friday, 29 April 2011

Blocks of time

I see my days filled up with boxes of time, long blue rectangular boxes for sleep, hot pink wide squares for work hours and everything else in a spectrum of colours filling my free time with activities. BC (before child) those boxes were in such pretty arrangements, a stack of three fifteen minutes bright yellow boxes for my hair appointment, a pyramid of hour long orange boxes for a party on the weekend, a pile of violet half hour squares for a nap on a Sunday afternoon.

AC (after child) I found myself surrounded by a totally different layout of boxes. At first all the boxes were the same blurry gray colour, one running into the next, feed, diapers, wake, catnap, feed, bath, doctor appointment, rest, awake, awake awake...slowly we found our feet and the shapes came back but now the boxes of time are far more uniformed, more predictable and so much smaller. A teeny, tiny polka dot box in the morning is the time I get for a shower, The itsy, witsy lime green block in between dinner and bath time are reserved for a Facebook moment. Sometimes the monotony of the grind gets me down but then happy little rainbow squares of time to play with my boy pop up everyday, in the moments it takes to get him dressed for school and I must give him kneecap tickles, or the peek-a-boo games around the kitchen as he munches on a banana for breakfast. Those are the blocks of time I wish I could stretch into enormous day filling carton shaped boxes dedicated to nothing but playing, spit an giggling, cuddles and cuteness....ahhhhe, motherhood

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