Tuesday, 16 August 2011

What is this walking thing?

Weight Watchers launched their new program this year. The first time I did the WW program fruit was a No-No and exercise was optional. The new program gives dieters up to 5 free fruits a day before they are counted towards your daily points and now they encourage daily exercise. The goal is 30 minutes of high impact aerobic activity 3 times a week and daily physical activity. To support this new lifestyle change they are expecting from their dieters they have joined forces with the Running Room to sponsor  WALK-IT challenge 5km walk on a Sunday morning. My first WALK-IT Challenge took place earlier this summer in June. I am so proud to say that I walked along with the pace walker and finished my 5km in 42:41...my quickest time running 5km is 36.47! and my average is about 38minutes . I am a very very slowwww runner but a damn fast walker.  I do believe I impressed the pace walker as it was my first time out....I had a goal to keep up with her for the 5km and it was a piece of cake!

For some people the idea of running is just too big a hurdle to over come, I was of that mind set for years so instead of "running" I walked everywhere...fast. I didn't even realize how fast I was actually going, How close I was to running all those years. I could have run 5km all along! I guess for those who have read my blog and have thought "I could never run 5km" I say...guess again...you might be walking faster then you could ever run it !

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