Dear Ian,
Today is mother's day and for the second time in my life I have been able to celebrate along with all the other moms out there. I am so proud and happy to be, not only a mother, but your mother. I feel that I owe YOU a gift today and so I will give you what I think is the best gift I can offer...I promise to be the healthiest I have ever been this year. I promise that by the end of the month of May 2011 I will have run 5KM without stopping, I promise to stay on my diet and lose those pounds that have been threatening my health and therefore my future as your mom. I hope that I can stay motivated so that I become a role model for health and fitness in your life. I want you to watch me enjoy the process of exercise and eventually want to join me. Maybe by then I will actually be able to chat while we run....right now it's all I can do to keep my legs up but I am still learning. One day I want to be the one to teach you.
Thanks kiddo, you have inspired me to change and in 39 years NOTHING has been able to do that.
Love, mommamomma
Love this!!!! And oh so true... our kids do drive us to do things we never thought possible. ;-)